Reports and Policy Briefs

AgriFood Reports and Policy Briefs are aimed at policy makers, government agencies and the interested public. AgriFood Policy Briefs are summaries (in Swedish) while Agrifood Reports are longer analyzes (mostly in Swedish but sometimes in English) which are also available in a printed format.

Scientific publications

Scientific publications (Working Papers and Published articles) are aimed primarily at a scientific audience.

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Publication Name Authors
AgriFood-Working Paper 2024:1
Can a tax on antimicrobials in the EU reduce its global use?
Published article
Cost-effective biodiversity conservation with organic farming - spatial allocation is key. Biological conservation, vol. 294, 110624
  • William Sidemo Holm 
  • Mark Brady 
  • Romain Carrié 
  • Johan Ekroos 
  • Henrik G Smith 
Published article
Modelling forests as social-ecological systems: A systematic comparison of agent-based approaches, Environmental Modelling & Software
  • Hanna Ekström 
  • Nils Droste 
  • Mark Brady 
Published article
Heterogeneity in farmers’ stage of behavioural change in intercropping adoption: an application of the Transtheoretical Model, Agricultural and Food Economics
Published article
Does fishery activity affect local tourism? Evidence from Denmark, Marine Policy, Volume 161, 106051
Published article
Nutrient policies and the performance of aquaculture in developed countries – a literature review, Aquaculture Economics and Management
Published article
Agent-Based Life Cycle Assessment enables joint economic-environmental analysis of policy to support agricultural biomass for biofuels, Science of The Total Environment, vol 916
Published article
Does ecologization matter for technical efficiency in crop production? A case of Swedish agriculture, Land Use policy 138, 107068
Published article
Farmers' intention towards intercropping adoption: the role of socioeconomic and behavioural drivers, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 21 (1):2270222
AgriFood Report 2023:3
The economics of new gene edited plants - just like any other crop?

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Reports and Policy Briefs

AgriFood Reports and Policy Briefs are aimed at policy makers, government agencies and the interested public. AgriFood Policy Briefs are summaries (in Swedish) while Agrifood Reports are longer analyzes (mostly in Swedish but sometimes in English) which are also available in a printed format.

Scientific publications

Scientific publications (Working Papers and Published articles) are aimed primarily at a scientific audience.

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