Sören Höjgård, Associate Professor

Retired researcher affiliated with AgriFood

Sören Höjgård has a PhD in economics from Lund University. He has done research in health economics at the department of Health Sciences, Lund University. At AgriFood, his main interests are economic analyses in the fields of rural development and animal health and welfare.

Can a tax on antimicrobials in the EU reduce its global use?
Farmers’ earnings and disposable incomes for Sweden in 1997-2012, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 41(19), p. 153-173
Impacts of direct payments – Lessons for CAP post-2020 from a quantitative analysis
Evaluation of results and adaptation of EU Rural Development Programmes, Land Use Policy, Volume 67, p.298-314
Farmers’ earnings and disposable incomes for Sweden in 1997-2012
Evaluation of results and adaptation of EU Rural Development Programmes
An evaluation of extension services in Sweden, Agricultural Economics, available online 11 october 2016.
Preventing Introduction of Livestock Associated MRSA in a Pig Population – Benefits, Costs, and Knowledge Gaps from the Swedish Perspective (published i PLoS One, May 2015)
Advisory services for nutrient utilisation
Preventing introduction of livestock associated MRSA in a pig population - benefits, costs and knowledge gaps from the Swedish perspective
Food waste among Swedish households - much ado about nothing?
Evidence-based agri-environmental policies: The Swedish experience
Antibiotic resistance – why is the problem so difficult to solve? Journal: Infection, Ecology and Epidemiology (Published 20 August 2012)
Biogas production from manure
Willingness to pay for compulsory deworming of pets entering Sweden to prevent introduction of Echinoccoccus multilocularis, Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, In Press
Mid-term evaluation of the Swedish rural development programme – Investment support to farm holdings and investment support to food processing firms
Antimicrobial sensitivity – A natural resource to be protected by a Pigouvian tax? Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2010; 96: 9-18
Antimicrobial sensitivity as a natural resource and public global good – Resistance as an externality
The Cap and Future Challenges (European Policy Analysis 11 (2009) p 1-13)




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AgriFood Economics Centre
att: Sören Höjgård
Box 7080
220 07 Lund

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