Impact assessment of the ban on gene editing techniques

There have been technological advances in gene editing in recent years that can, among other things, affect the properties of organisms and their environmental impact. In the EU, there has for many years been a real ban on using the techniques for gene editing agricultural plants, which is now being reconsidered.

This project describes the existing legal framework and the ongoing EU legislative process in this area. The main object is to identify various benefits and costs that are relevant for gene editing plants that may be of interest for cultivation in Sweden. The emphasis in the analysis is on environmental aspects and Swedish competitiveness. A so-called cost benefit analysis is applied for new types of gene-edited potatoes that are developed in Sweden and ready to be introduced on the market. The study also discusses the possibilities and challenges of the enforcement of labelling foods based on gene-edited agricultural products.

The project is funded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry and will be completed in autumn 2023.


Christian Jörgensen

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