Current Projects


Constraints on organic farming (CONSTRAINTS)
Evaluation of investment and processing support
Intercropping in Swedish crop production: barriers and economic effects
Investment Support for Increased Climate Efficiency in Swedish Agriculture
Organic production in the Green Deal
Production potential of agricultural biomass and policy instruments to promote a fossil-free society (LAND4BIOMASS)
Shifting taxes in agriculture
Sustainability and structural change in Swedish dairy production
Sustainable food production – the role of markets and governments
The Green Deal in European agricultural simulation models (ACT4CAP27)


Changed consumption in times of crisis - effects of rising prices for food, energy and housing
Economic policy instruments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food consumption (EPIC)
How do PLs affect consumers and the food supply chain?
How to get consumers to choose plant-based alternatives in stores? An economic experiment
What happens when developing countries lose access to unilateral trade preferences?


Biological Invasions Resolved through Adaptable, Versatile, and Engaging Nature-Based Solutions (BRAVE)
Economic effects of recreational fisheries in Mörrum and Byske rivers
Lost Fishing Income – How Can Compensation Be Designed?
Marine Heatwaves
Swedish Trade in Fish Products – How Large Is It Really?
Unemployment Benefits for Swedish Commercial Fishermen

Rural Areas

An increasing gender education gap – is it affecting the attractiveness of rural areas?
Improving future African swine fever outbreak management
Sustainable rural areas - the impact of rural development programs on rural areas

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