
"Sustainable bioenergy use in Sweden" in the LETS report "Roadmap 2050 - Challenges and strategies for the transition to a low-carbon future"

Authors: Lars J Nilsson  Karin Ericsson  Helena Johansson 

To be able to reach the ambitious climate policy objectives suggested by the 2°C target, we need to substantially reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases.The core mission of the LETS research program ( is to identify, explore and suggest ways that Sweden can implement low-carbon energy and transport systems for 2050. The research program covers six areas; future scenarios, public policy, urban and regional planning, bioenergy, voluntary consumer action and transports.

The report presents results from all research areas and discusses what societal transitions are implied by low-carbon futures and how these transitions can be governed and implemented to meet challenging climate policy objectives. The chapter about bioenergy discusses the challenges and opportunities arising from increased bioenergy use and production in Sweden.

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Lars J Nilsson

Karin Ericsson

Helena Johansson