Reports and Policy Briefs

AgriFood Reports and Policy Briefs are aimed at policy makers, government agencies and the interested public. AgriFood Policy Briefs are summaries (in Swedish) while Agrifood Reports are longer analyzes (mostly in Swedish but sometimes in English) which are also available in a printed format.

Scientific publications

Scientific publications (Working Papers and Published articles) are aimed primarily at a scientific audience.

Publication Type
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Publication Name Authors
Published article
Farm diversification strategies and their relations to farm financial performance: evidence from Swedish agriculture, Agricultural Finance Review
Published article
Impact of different carbon labels on consumer inference, Journal of Cleaner Production
Published article
Co-designing carbon label interventions in restaurants: insights from a field experiment in a tourism destination, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Published article
Eco-Certification in Aquaculture – Economic Incentives and Effects, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
  • Cecilia Hammarlund 
  • Kevin Svensson 
  • Frank Asche 
  • Julia Bronnmann 
  • Tonje Osmundsen 
  • Rasmus Nielsen 
Other scientific publications
The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education: Exploring its Consequences for Partnering, Employment and Voting Behaviour
Published article
Farm-level acceptability of contract attributes in agri-environment-climate measures for biodiversity conservation, Journal of Rural Studie
Published article
The role of non-fishing and partner incomes in managing fishers’ economic risk, Marine Resource Economics
Published article
The impact of government support on rural grocery stores - A regression discontinuity approach, Journal of Regional Science
AgriFood Working Paper 2024:4
Potential for mitigating enteric methane emissions from agriculture: a literature review
AgriFood Working Paper 2024:3
Climate or biodiversity? Agricultural policy for reducing enteric methane emissions while preserving species-rich grasslands

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Reports and Policy Briefs

AgriFood Reports and Policy Briefs are aimed at policy makers, government agencies and the interested public. AgriFood Policy Briefs are summaries (in Swedish) while Agrifood Reports are longer analyzes (mostly in Swedish but sometimes in English) which are also available in a printed format.

Scientific publications

Scientific publications (Working Papers and Published articles) are aimed primarily at a scientific audience.

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