Kristian Sundström, PhD


Kristian Sundström has a Phd in Economics, specializing in the economic consequences of information problems, risk and uncertainty, from Lund University. His work largely concerns economic analyses of food safety, for example cost-benefit analysis, cost-of-illness calculations and studies of willingness to pay. He is also employed as an economic expert by the European network Med-Vet-Net. In addition, he is the webmaster of AgriFood.

Are local fisheries important for marine tourism? A case study of the Swedish fishing village Träslövsläge, Regional Studies in Marine Science
Cost of Illness for Five Major Foodborne Illnesses and Sequelae in Sweden. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy (2018)
The incidence of acute gastrointestinal illness in Sweden (published in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, May 2015)
Willingness to pay and QALYs: What can we learn about valuing foodborne risk? (published in Journal of Agricultural Economics, in press)
Economic Effects of Introducing Alternative Salmonella Control Strategies in Sweden (published in PLoS ONE, May 2014)
Origin labelling of food - costs and benefits of new EU legislation for Sweden
Estimation of the Expected Change in Domestic Human Salmonella Cases in Sweden in 2010, Given a Hypothetical Relaxation of the Current Salmonella Control Programme (published in PLOS ONE, March 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3)
Country of origin or EU/non-EU labelling of beef? Comparing structural reliability and validity of discrete choice experiments for measurement of consumer preferences for origin and extrinsic quality cues
Willingness to pay for compulsory deworming of pets entering Sweden to prevent introduction of Echinoccoccus multilocularis, Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, In Press
Estimated incidence and production losses due to acute gastroenteritis in Sweden
Swedish Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Food Safety - a Contingent Valuation Study on Salmonella Risk



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AgriFood Economics Centre
att: Kristian Sundström
Box 7080
220 07 Lund

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AgriFood Economics Centre
Scheelevägen 15 D
223 63 Lund

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