Underutilized species - a review

The number of Swedish small-scale fisheries has decreased substantially during the last years, and the fishing for important species like salmon, cod and eel has been significantly reduced due to decreased stocks and stricter restrictions. Alternative species, which today are not being used for commercial purposes (e.g. bream and roach) could potentially be underutilized, and could contribute to increase the financial strength of the Swedish small-scale fisheries.

In Swedish seas and freshwaters, there are a large number of fish and shellfish species that are not being used in the food supply chain. There are several ongoing projects in Sweden with the aim to find new ways to utilize these species, which could generate new products for the food market as well as new revenue for the fisheries. This project aims to conduct a review of the ongoing projects regarding underutilized species to create an overall picture of the current state of knowledge.

The project will end in spring 2021.

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