Torbjörn Jansson, Associate Professor


Torbjörn Jansson is associate professor in economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), with particular focus on economic modeling. He has a Phd in Agricultural Economics from the University of Bonn with focus on statistical methods and economic modeling. He mainly works on analyzing changes of the Common Agricultural Policy. This work is commissioned by the European Commission or other governmental agencies within the Union. Torbjörn also works on developing methods for simulation models.

Can a tax on antimicrobials in the EU reduce its global use?
Carbon taxes and agriculture: the benefit of a multilateral agreement, Climate Policy
Managing Marine Mammals and Fisheries: A Calibrated Programming Model for the Seal-Fishery Interaction in Sweden, Environmental and Resource Economics, 81: 501–530 (2022)
Taxing GHG emissions in agriculture - The benefit of a multilateral agreement
Impacts on agricultural markets of a large production loss in Ukraine
Optimal localisation of agricultural biofuel production facilities and feedstock: a Swedish case study, European Review of Agricultural Economics, jbab043
European Agriculture after Brexit: Does Anyone Benefit from the Divorce? Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(1): 3-24
Environmental Consumption Taxes On Animal Food Products To Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions From The European Union, Climate Change Economics 9(04):1-16.
Local attitudes towards management measures for the co-existence of seals and coastal fishery - A Swedish case study, Marine Policy 118: 104018
Refunding of a climate tax on food consumption in Sweden, Food Policy, 102021
Coupled Agricultural Subsidies in the EU Undermine Climate Efforts, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Can investments in manure technology reduce nutrient leakage to the Baltic Sea? Ambio (2019)
Baltic Sea eutrophication status is not improved by the first pillar of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy, Regional Environmental Change (2019)
Impact of Border Carbon Adjustments on Agricultural Emissions - Can Tariffs Reduce Carbon Leakage?
Brexit: impacts on agricultural markets in the UK and the EU
European agriculture after Brexit. Does anyone benefit from the divorce?
Coupled agricultural subsidies in the EU undermine climate efforts
Does the current trade liberalization agenda contribute to greenhouse gas emission mitigation in agriculture? Food Policy, Volume 76, April 2018, pages 120-129.
Impacts of direct payments – Lessons for CAP post-2020 from a quantitative analysis
An economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture (EcAMPA 2)
An economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture, JRC technical report.
Food waste among Swedish households - much ado about nothing?
Assessing the impact of EU member states' plans for biofuel on land use and agricultural markets in the EU
Estimation of parameters of constrained optimization models (New developments in computabele general equilibrium analysis for trade policy vol.7, pp 1-26).
Sustainability impact assessment using integrated meta-modelling: Simulating the reduction of direct support under the common agricultural policy (CAP) (Land Use Policy Vol 33, p.235-245.)
Policy reform and agricultural land abandonment in the EU, Land Use Policy, vol 30(1), p. 446-457.
EU-Wide (Regional and Farm Level) Effects of Premium Decoupling and Harmonisation Following the Health Check Reform, German Jounal of Agricultural Economics, 61(1), pp. 44-56.
Disaggregated impacts of CAP reforms
Economic and environmental impacts of milk quota reform in Europe , Journal of Policy Modeling , Band 33 (1) , S. 29-52
Estimating a primal model of regional crop supply in the European Union. Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol 62, nr 1, 137-152
The economic impact of allowing partial decoupling under the 2003 Common Agricultural Policy reforms. Kapitel i "Disaggregated Impacts of CAP Reforms: Proceedings of an OECD Workshop. 35-52"
Ex Ante Impact Assessment of Policies Affecting Land Use, Part B: Application of the Analytical Framework. Ecology and Society, vol 16, nr 1, 29
Estimation of Greenhouse Gas coefficients per Commodity and World Region to Capture Emission Leakage in European Agriculture




Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för ekonomi
att: Torbjörn Jansson
Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27
Box 7013
750 07 Uppsala

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