Europe’s agricultural sector faces a range of challenges including volatile producer prices, international competition, unusual weather patterns and higher risks of extreme weather events, market power along the value chain, demographic change and urbanisation, as well as changing consumer preferences. This has led to concerns about the viability of agricultural production, the sustainability of agricultural systems, the vitality of rural areas and the delivery of ecosystem services.
SURE-Farm aims to analyze, assess and improve the resilience and sustainability of farms and farming systems in the EU. For this purpose, SURE-Farm creates scenarios and a novel resilience-enabling framework, develops a set of risk assessment and management tools as well as a demographic assessment model and a resilience assessment tool for policies, and in conjunction with stakeholders, co-creates and applies an integrated resilience assessment model and co-designs implementation roadmaps.
SURE-Farm is coordinated by Wageningen University & Research. In total, the consortium includes 16 partners from 13 countries and has a strong transdisciplinary approach with active roles for value chain actors. The project is financed by Horizon 2020 and will be finished in spring 2022.
Project website: surefarmproject