AgriFood Working Paper 2024:1

Can a tax on antimicrobials in the EU reduce its global use?

Ekogrisar i stallbyggnad. Foto.

Författare: Johan Blomquist  Sabina Dellstig  Sören Höjgård  Torbjörn Jansson 

The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects on production and economic performance in the livestock sector, as well as on producer prices, under different assumptions on the size of the tax, its geographical coverage, and the possible response of the intensity of antimicrobial use in agriculture. We do this by simulating different scenarios using the agricultural sector model CAPRI and data on present use of antimicrobials in the EU and other parts of the world.

För en populärvetenskaplig version på svenska se AgriFood Policy Brief 2024:1

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Bild på medarbetare: Johan Blomquist. Foto.
Johan Blomquist

Sabina Dellstig

Sören Höjgård

Bild på medarbetare: Torbjörn Jansson. Foto.
Torbjörn Jansson